1923 Matsuyama Koto Shogyo Gakko (Matsuyama Higher School of Commerce)is established.
1944 Renamed Matsuyama Keizai Senmon Gakko (Matsuyama College of Economics).
1949 In conjunction with the Educational System Reform, the school obtains university status.
Renamed Matsuyama Shouka Daigaku (Matsuyama University of Commerce) and the
Faculty of Commerce and conomics is established.
1952 Matsuyama University of Commerce establishes a Junior College.
1962 Due to expansion,the Faculty of Commerce and Economics is dissolved and the Faculty of
Economics and the Faculty of Business Administration is established.
1972 A Master’s degree course in Economics (Graduate school) is established.
1974 The Faculty of Humanities (English Department, Sociology Department) is established.
A Doctoral degree course in Economics (Graduate school) is established.
1979 A Master’s degree course in Business Administration (Graduate school) is established.
1981 A Doctoral degree course in Business Administration (Graduate school) is established.
1988 The Faculty of Law is established.
1989 Renamed Matsuyama University.
2006 The College of Pharmaceutical Sciences is established. A Doctoral and A Master’s degree
courses in Sociology (Graduate schools) is established.
2007 A Master’s degree course in Language Communication (Graduate school) is established.
2014 A Doctoral degree course in Clinical Pharmacy (Graduate school) is established.
Present Over 90 years have passed since the foundation.75,000 students have graduated.
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